Code Snippets for the Dispose Pattern

1 minute read

I thougth I'd just share a couple of Visual Studio C# code snippets to implement disposable classes, based on the well known .NET dispose pattern.

You can download it from here or simply copy and past it from the listing below. Feel free to rename the shortcut to whatever you like :)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<CodeSnippets  xmlns="">
  <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
      <Title>Base class disposable implementation.</Title>
        Code snippet to create a scheleton implementation
        of the IDisposable pattern for a base class.
      <Author>Stefano Ricciardi</Author>
          <ToolTip>Name of the class.</ToolTip>
      <Code Language="csharp">
    public class $ClassName$: IDisposable
        private bool _disposed = false;
        //Implement IDisposable.
        public void Dispose()

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
          if (!_disposed)
            if (disposing)
              // Free other state (managed objects).
            // Free your own state (unmanaged objects).
            // Set large fields to null.
            _disposed = true;

        // Use C# destructor syntax for finalization code.
          // Simply call Dispose(false).
    }            ]]>
  <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
      <Title>Base class disposable implementation.</Title>
        Code snippet to create a scheleton implementation of the
        IDisposable pattern	for a derived class.
      <Author>Stefano Ricciardi</Author>
          <ToolTip>Name of the derived class.</ToolTip>
          <ToolTip>Name of the base class.</ToolTip>
      <Code Language="csharp">
  public class $DerivedClassName$: $BaseClassName$
      private bool _disposed = false;

      protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
          if (!_disposed)
              if (disposing)
                  // Release managed resources.
              // Release unmanaged resources.
              // Set large fields to null.
              // Call Dispose on your base class.
              _disposed = true;
      // The derived class does not have a Finalize method
      // or a Dispose method without parameters because it inherits
      // them from the base class.


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